I first had the pleasure of learning about Jodi Ann Bickley through listening to a recommended ‘Distraction Pieces’ Podcast interview by Scroobius Pip. This woman has an incredible story worth listening to. She took it upon herself to write 1 million lovely letters to people who needed them after her life was shattered through illness and hopelessness. Each letter is hand written and decorated and she has over 40 volunteers now working with her the demand has blown up! It got me thinking about how lovely it is to receive a hand written note or letter that is uplifting and how we all have the opportunity to do as she does and send someone we know or even don’t know , something to acknowledge their value , something to know they are loved or something to know that they are not alone.

Here are some examples of her lovely letters and a link to her website

Here is a link to Jodi’s interview #8 with Scroobius Pip

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