Confessions of a depressed Comic- Speak up and shatter the Silence!

Today I’ve been watching ‘Confessions of a depressed Comic’ by Keven Breel who is a 21 year old comedian and mental health activist.

‘Depression is one of the best documented problems yet one of the least discussed’!

Kevin talks so openly and sincerely about his continuing struggle with depression. What really strikes me was his suggestion that its not about building a world where we eliminate the ignorance of others but we build a world which teaches the acceptance of ourselves. How does he suggest we do this?

Stop the Ignorance
Stop the Intolerance
Stop the Stigma
Stop the Silence
Take away the Taboos
Take a look at the Truth
& Start talking

Kevin Breel 2013

 Check out Kevins TED Talk for yourself Here and break the stigma by passing it on

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