Hi wonderful people,

I have started to slowly emerge from maternity leave and am offering face to face appointments at The Nautilus Rooms in Totnes. I will also continue working online .

Recently due to the pandemic I have also started offering walking therapy for my clients. The act of walking and being in nature can feel very freeing from the traditional clinical therapy room model.

Having some time away from work has given me the opportunity to reflect on the past few years and the things I have come to understand about people, not just from reading books and attending CPD but actually listening to people and seeing how therapy supports the stories that are poured out in search of meaning, healing and clarity.

As some of you know, I have had the privilege of working with young people predominantly from the beginning of my training. I have worked for some great organisations who support young people with wonderful confidential spaces. I will continue to do this in my private practice but I am now incorporating systemic family work. Please see my FAQ for more details about how this works. This falls in line with what I understand to be most helpful for the young people that I see that come through private practice.

The cover picture for this post was me about 14 years ago….looking over to another mountain village in the atlas mountains in Morocco. It seems such a long time ago that we could travel without the fear of covid or have restrictions placed on where we go. The photo reminds me though that gaining perspective can do wonders for anything we feel stuck with. Being out in nature somewhere wild doesn’t have to be anywhere exotic, it can be a park or a city allotment . Taking time to observe what you are seeing, breathing in the air and the space and standing still can be really freeing. Remembering that we are human and animals like the nature around us. Getting out of our heads can clear space to get back in them. We spend most of our time in our heads so it’s good to reflect on what that space is like and make it a good place to be.

That’s about all for now!

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